My Very Excited Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas
It's a montra that second through fifth graders countrywide know like the back of thier own Trapper Keepers. Even before I learned to pick up a spork in the combination caferteria/gymnasium/auditorium at my old elementary school I learned that there were nine planets in our solar system. It has been a standard I have lived by without question for the past decade or so of my life, but now that truth that I believed to be absolute has turned out to be not so, for Pluto has been officially demoted to... dwarf planet.
The International Astronomical Union (or 'geeks' for short) banished Pluto from the solar system in August. The argument, they say, against Pluto's planetness is that if Pluto is allowed to be a planet then three other large astronomical balls of mass, namely Charon, Ceres, and 2003 UBI 313, that revolve around the Sun would have to be included as well, making a grand total of 12 planets. Rather than admit these new guys into the club the IAU made the decision to kick Pluto out.
But fear not, for your little cousin's cardboard and coat hanger mobile may be saved yet. A handful of websites and organizations have come to Pluto's aid. T-shirts saying things like 'Anything Charon can do Pluto can do better' or 'Pluto does it with an Elliptical Radius' have popped up on the net. Check out this little gem of a bumper sticker from the good people at Cafe Press:

Awesome. I'm putting that on my Saturn.
Alas, this valiant effort to readmit Pluto may be a lost cause. Sadly, with the IAU making this decision it may become a cold reality that My Very Excited Mother Just Served Us...
The International Astronomical Union (or 'geeks' for short) banished Pluto from the solar system in August. The argument, they say, against Pluto's planetness is that if Pluto is allowed to be a planet then three other large astronomical balls of mass, namely Charon, Ceres, and 2003 UBI 313, that revolve around the Sun would have to be included as well, making a grand total of 12 planets. Rather than admit these new guys into the club the IAU made the decision to kick Pluto out.
But fear not, for your little cousin's cardboard and coat hanger mobile may be saved yet. A handful of websites and organizations have come to Pluto's aid. T-shirts saying things like 'Anything Charon can do Pluto can do better' or 'Pluto does it with an Elliptical Radius' have popped up on the net. Check out this little gem of a bumper sticker from the good people at Cafe Press:

Awesome. I'm putting that on my Saturn.
Alas, this valiant effort to readmit Pluto may be a lost cause. Sadly, with the IAU making this decision it may become a cold reality that My Very Excited Mother Just Served Us...
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