Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A Sometimes Food?

Sacrilege. That's the only word that could possibly describe it. We all grew up on Sesame Street. The songs, the puppets and the counting. Good healthy fun for growing children. My favortie character was Cookie Monster by far. An awful, googley eyed, blue mass of fuzz that would devour cookies like a coke junkie. And since my attention span was frighteningly weak I would be entertained everytime he did it. And he did it a lot, because cookies are awesome. Or at least they used to be.

Cookie Monster is being revamped by the powers that rule over Sesame Street like slumlords. He is now saying that cookies are a "sometimes food". Press releases from the execs say that the change has been made to combat the growing obesity in children. They see it as an epidemic but this new monster I believe is far worse.

Yes children are getting fat. And I mean real fat, like beachball size. I'm talking sausage looking youngsters plodding and rolling all over the place. However I fail to see the connection between cookie monster and the increased rates. That show has been on since 1969 and the rise has only been recent. Furthermore his name is fucking "Cookie Monster". A beast whose soul purpose is predecated on inhaling cookies, and obtaining them by whatever brutal means are necessary. Yeah thats how I remember it.

As many and as much as possible, cookies day and night. Even a child will be able to see the problem with a monstrous being counteracting his biological evolution towards cookie lust in a sudden and unexplained neurological rerouting and deciding that the addiction no longer holds sway over his behavior. Or maybe children won't notcie that, but I sure as hell do and this is tampering with my childhood. The main problem is that we are viewing this as adults, children dont really think about these things because they want to laugh, play, sniff glue and try on mom's underwear when she leaves for work. All the normal kids stuff we all did.

A perfect example of adult interference is the muppet Kami that was released in 2002 in the South African version of Sesame Street. Many countries have variants of the classic American version and add their own local flavor so that cultures will find it appealing. Kami is a fun, nature loving muppet made of yellow fluff and dons a hippie vest. She also happens to be HIV positive. Yes, a muppet, who has no genitalia or a circulatory system to speak of some how contracted the virus which leads to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome which is commonly referred to as AIDS. Holy Shit.

The idea was to promote tolerance for people who are infected, which is rational thinking since the virus is the contries largest problem as nearly 1-9 are HIV positive. A problem that does need to be addressed but somehow a kids show with muppets doesnt really scream "appropriate". The only thing Kami teaches me is that I have to wear a rubber over my arm before trying to operate her. And hey, since we are all for truth, why not also remind the children that someday they are going to die with a puppet named Corpsey who decays throughout an episode. He'll have some sort of terminal bone cancer or an inoperable tumor and tell Oscar to quit his bitching, cause hed gladly live in a garbage can if it would replace the nausea from chemotherapy. Oscar was always such an insensitive prick.

Kids need to be kids, this education should be discussed in a serious manner by families and educators. Its just things children dont think about, and really shoudn't be thinking about. Hell no I never wondered if Bert and Ernie were gay. Somehow the clues to what their friendship may suggest about their sexual orientation escaped me as a three year old, yet protest of their relationship has made news for years.

The point is Cookie Monster eats cookies and kids like being entertained. And I like to remember my childhood not being filled with HIV and bigotry of possible homosexuals.

1 Horrible Comments:

Blogger reubs said...

I especially like the part where the think that the bad part of the character cookie monster is that he eats too many cookies, rather than the fact that HE'S A FRICKIN' MONSTER! "Oh sure, feel free to play with my 6-year-old you misshapen mountain of fur. The fact that you are a member of a genus not known to man doesn't bother me, but I can't have you eating sweets around my child."

1:21 AM  

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