Thursday, December 22, 2005

Frequency Modulated

We’ve been trying to reach out to you people. Honest, we have. The fact is that it’s tough. The Horrible People that we are, we simply cannot reach the audience we desire with only this web log. Which brings me to my good news: I am happy to announce that Horrible People will soon be on the radio at starting the third week of January 2006 (release date/time TBA). Soon we will be not simply words on a page, but words in your FACE!

Too much?

Anyway, I don’t claim to be the liberating force of free thought, just a harbinger of dirty jokes, angry rants, and stupid material. Plus music. What’s a college radio show without music? Boring, that’s what.

Which brings me to this: I have a problem with people who consider themselves saviors of the First Amendment (I have made that abundantly clear in an earlier post), most of whom are shameless self promoters (totally different from us). However, in this case I am talking about someone who really did have an impact on free speech in this country, the King of all Media (and King of Shameless Self Promotion), Howard Stern.

First off, let it be known that I don’t like The Howard Stern Show all that much. It’s kinda funny, but that’s it. It’s better than most of the other drec you’re likely to find on the radio at 7am, but being the most popular morning radio personality is like being the best player on the Kansas City Royals, or the least alcoholic of the Osbournes. The show ‘has its moments,’ enough said. But I admire him. There is no denying, however, the effect he had on the way things are said in this country. His fights with the FCC and Clear Channel are now the stuff of legend and lead to many changes in the way we use language in this country.

But before I unofficially canonize Stern, let us really look at what he was fighting for: Vulgar language, explicit content, vile and childish behavior on publicly owned airwaves. Let’s be honest here, not exactly the poster child for greatest American (though I know folks who would argue both sides of that argument).

So Howard Stern doesn’t have a daily talk show on traditional radio anymore. So what? It’s not like he’s gone straight to the unemployment line. Sirius satellite radio gave him a bazillion-dollar contract to be exclusively on their system. Not only that, but I believe he has his own channel. His own Channel! Don’t cry for Howard, he’ll live. And for those of you who wish to shell out the dough to buy the receiver to hear Stern’s voice, then more power to you. I’m sure the dick jokes and the comments about the cellulite and stretch marks on hopeful Scores girls are all the more clear in satellite form.

But really people, why buy the Siruis cow when you can get the Horrible People milk for free?

(shameless self promotion. remember, it's for your own good.)

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