If I Were...A Fetus
I would be a developing organism exsisting after the embryonic stage but have yet to reach birth. My lungs would not be in use and I would gain oxygen and nutrients from my mother through the placenta and umbilical cord. Id float within my mother's womb as the majority of structures began to form and grow.
I would not, I repeat, I would not have the ability to comprehend or speak english, have access to any man made items or lecture to an audience. If I were a fetus I would basically be the opposite of Umbert the Unborn, a pro-life comic strip that has about as much science fact in it as a Looney Toons episode. Hey, lets take a gander.

If I were a fetus I would not have access to a phone that appears out of the walls of the uterus nor have the ability to make a shitty pun. Id also be unaware to anything being said since my ears would be undeveloped and surrounded by amniotic fluid. Not that it matters since I am incapable of thought. I wonder if Umbert also knows his mother is washing down that peanut butter and tuna with the cheapest malt liquor she could find? I guess he isn't that smart.

If I were a fetus I would not have a cute sense of irony equating people's feelings of abortion to the thought of clubbing seals. I would not have expressive eyebrows and surprisingly enough would be completely unable to play dress up as a baby harp seal after receiving the costume in a box which I can only assume was forcibly shoved up my mother's cooch by UPS.
If I were a fetus I wouldn't be anything like Umbert, a painfully awful comic presented by Catholic.net. It's nice to see Umbert's obviously adorable white Anglo-Saxon appearence and wacky adventures, where he is aware of everything around him except for the fact he's already been brainwashed and become a mouth peice for religious conservatives and will be forced to attend a church that has been marked with rampant child molestation, with many cases still remaining unresolved. You may know a lot for a fetus Umbert but its nothing compared to what you are going to learn.
(As a Horrible People exclusive we have received the latest and final Umbert the Unborn comic from the creator Gary Cangemi. He tells us this is a rough, semi-colored version since its just been inked but he couldn't wait to share the finale of his classic prenatal character. Check out the Horrible Umbert Strip!)
I would not, I repeat, I would not have the ability to comprehend or speak english, have access to any man made items or lecture to an audience. If I were a fetus I would basically be the opposite of Umbert the Unborn, a pro-life comic strip that has about as much science fact in it as a Looney Toons episode. Hey, lets take a gander.

If I were a fetus I would not have access to a phone that appears out of the walls of the uterus nor have the ability to make a shitty pun. Id also be unaware to anything being said since my ears would be undeveloped and surrounded by amniotic fluid. Not that it matters since I am incapable of thought. I wonder if Umbert also knows his mother is washing down that peanut butter and tuna with the cheapest malt liquor she could find? I guess he isn't that smart.

If I were a fetus I would not have a cute sense of irony equating people's feelings of abortion to the thought of clubbing seals. I would not have expressive eyebrows and surprisingly enough would be completely unable to play dress up as a baby harp seal after receiving the costume in a box which I can only assume was forcibly shoved up my mother's cooch by UPS.
If I were a fetus I wouldn't be anything like Umbert, a painfully awful comic presented by Catholic.net. It's nice to see Umbert's obviously adorable white Anglo-Saxon appearence and wacky adventures, where he is aware of everything around him except for the fact he's already been brainwashed and become a mouth peice for religious conservatives and will be forced to attend a church that has been marked with rampant child molestation, with many cases still remaining unresolved. You may know a lot for a fetus Umbert but its nothing compared to what you are going to learn.
(As a Horrible People exclusive we have received the latest and final Umbert the Unborn comic from the creator Gary Cangemi. He tells us this is a rough, semi-colored version since its just been inked but he couldn't wait to share the finale of his classic prenatal character. Check out the Horrible Umbert Strip!)
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