Sunday, January 08, 2006

We Put The 'Party' Back In The Nazi Party

How are there still Nazis? I was under the impression that they died out with the dinosaurs and New Coke. But I saw some at a party recently! At first I thoguht they were just some guys with shaven heads, but when added to the black jeans, leather boots with oxblood laces, and knuckle tattoos I just couldn't come to any other conclusion. College guys, too, not like 25 or 30, they were like 20. As a parent, how do you not see the warning signs of that?

Kid: "Hey Mom, Hey Dad." (Nazi salutes to parents)
Dad: "Hi, son."
Kid: "Like the new boots? They came with the uniform."
Mom: "Looking good, honey."
Kid: "I'm going out for a walk." (Nazi marches out the door) "You coming to the barbeque tonight?"

They asked if I wanted to hang with them later. I declined.

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