Hooray For Cleveland
Cleveland is where I hail from. Worst poverty level of any major city, longest championship drought for all major sports and THE ROCK N' ROLL HALL OF FAME! You want to buy a 28 dollar ticket to check out Ringo's mustache comb from 76' behind 3 feet of bulletproof glass? About a 40 minute drive for me sucka. Man, thank the lord that place isn't now viewed as a complete waste of city funds or an architectural disgrace (is there a sarcasm font?). Harder still is being a die-hard Browns fan, a team that has the worst record since it's return after being hijacked and taken to the heroin capitol of America. A prominent feature that the city suprisingly doesn't call recognition too. If there ever was a more susceptible group to bring in to increase tourism it would have to be addicts looking to chase the dragon.
And the worst part is Pittsburgh fans know about all of this. It's hard to come up with adequate comebacks to insult the piss and coal colors of the Steelers but today I think a picture is truly worth a thousand words.

However I think in the majority of those thousand words you'll find several being synonyms for obese, terrifying, fat, elephantine, gelatinous, gargatuan and THERE-IS-NO- GOD-AND-I-HAVE-PHOTOGRAPHIC-EVIDENCE .
Hey Steelers fans, you're ugly and I hate you.
*smiles and makes two pointing mock guns with hands*
And the worst part is Pittsburgh fans know about all of this. It's hard to come up with adequate comebacks to insult the piss and coal colors of the Steelers but today I think a picture is truly worth a thousand words.

However I think in the majority of those thousand words you'll find several being synonyms for obese, terrifying, fat, elephantine, gelatinous, gargatuan and THERE-IS-NO- GOD-AND-I-HAVE-PHOTOGRAPHIC-EVIDENCE .
Hey Steelers fans, you're ugly and I hate you.
*smiles and makes two pointing mock guns with hands*
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