Tha Case of ACRN v. Horrible Radio
Well folks, it's been about three months since you're favorite comedy trio was fired from the All College Radio Network and we have some interesting developments for you. First, here's a short recap of the story:
(ripple effect)
At the beginning of winter quarter, our heroes (we three of the H.P.) sought to begin a partnership with ACRN, an internet radio station at Ohio University. The combination, we thought, of college radio and our 'Horrible' comedy could have a wonderful effect on listenership (aka, more listeners) as well as the entertainment quality of the station. In return, the broadcasts would expand our fanbase, bringing more people to our live shows and website, where in turn we could advertise in front of our fans for the radio show, etcetera. It seemed a match made in heaven.
We were approved for the show in late January for an hour on Friday nights 7-8 p.m. and scheduled to begin February 3rd, with special guest local/recording legend Bruce Dalzell. Midway through the week, having not advertized for the show ahead of time, we elected to make fliers. One of the two designs was this one:

We put those up on the night of February 1st. By the night of February 2nd, over half of the fliers were taken down and by Friday all but a few remained. We were called in to have a meeting the Programming VP of ACRN and we were informed that not only would we be not on the air that night, but that we were immediatly terminated. This meeting took place five hours before 'Horrible Radio' was to premier. Thus ends the story of our heroes.
(fade to black)
Or is it?
Why were we fired, you might ask? The flier you see above you was cited as the cause of our termination. We were informed that the flier could cause a station that has been around for over 30 years to have its funding pulled if we were not fired promptly. The content, we were told, was the main issue. Also included in the reasoning for our dismissal was the fact that we didn't consult the Programming department in creating our fliers before putting them up. That is what we were told on February 3rd.
Our sources tell us that the story told at the meeting the following Sunday of our conspicuous disappearance was not the content of the flier, but the fact that we hung fliers without permission or consultation from the Advertising department. I'll say that again: the content was not cited as the reason for our dismissal.
Odd, right? That the reason for our being fired wasn't shared with the other DJs? Ponder that for a minute.
To bring you up to date since that time, we have pretty much stopped trying to get a radio show, on ACRN or otherwise. The VP we were cancelled by didn't like us and we won't have a show on the station as long as that person is still in the organization. The plan now is pretty much to wait 'til that person graduates and then see if we still want to do the radio show.
Instead of trying to continue our internet radio endeavors, we have elected to put our skills to other uses. Jay, Miller, and myself have all continued our stand-up and have gained much popularity in recent months. We have started the Ohio University Stand-Up Comedy Club and have recieved nothing but the best reaction from those who we are working with to make the group a success. We should be formed officially as a campus recognized group by the end of the quarter and have events starting in the fall. We are once again trying to create 'Horrible People' the television show on Athens Video Works and should we get approval from AVW this spring we will have episodes airing in the fall.
I haven't heard much from the guy making the new web site recently so I'm not sure how soon completion is, however upon completion the official 'Horrible People' web site will be the new home of not only this comedy blog (which I'm sure you all check obsessively like the away messages of a crush you have), but also a place for you to see episodes of 'Horrible People' television, watch video and listen to recorded stand-up comedy from your favorite comedians (meaning us) and other stand-up from around OU (meaning not us). In addition, it will have rare recordings of our short stint on ACRN, including our infamous 'Gambler' incident, and also photos, news, calendar of events, and much more.
As you can see, we've gotten past the loathing of our once-partners for what we think was unfair treatment. Recently, an altercation (taking place entirely within the world of an AIM box) between a DJ on duty at ACRN and Miller Time caused us to take action. The DJ initiated the conversation (and the ensuing debacle) with Miller and proceeded to insult him and 'Horrible People.' Miller, in turn, used his superior comedic talent, biting sarcasm, and brain skills (aka mind bullets) to disarm and befuddle the stunned creature of the night. Miller would have put the contents of the conversation (and the DJ's spliced innards) on this site for your enjoyment, but closed the box by accident before copying its contents.
Horrible People doesn't want to create a blood feud, nor do we wish to cut ties with all members in ACRN. Indeed, we would like to be the hosts of 'Horrible Radio' once more and don't want to create anger. We do plan, however, on gracing our former club members with our presence at the next meeting. We have a few reasons for doing this. One, and most important to me, the Programming director still has the cassettes with our remaining radio recordings (including the infamous 'Gambler' incident). Two, we feel that we were misrepresented when the powers that be told the other DJs the story of our termination and that they deserve to hear it from us. Three, we refuse to let arbitrary positions of those in charge at a radio station based on the 'rebel' metality censor us completely without retribution.
For those of you who appreciate our brand of comedy and are fans, thank you for your support. I raise my glass of Bartles and James to you, good sirs.
For those of you who think that the only kind of comedy is that which you approve of, the only kind of entertainment you can stand on the airwaves is that which you like and nothing with a difference of opinion, those of you who think that you are experts in comedy having never had any connection to the comedic community other than that one time you saw 'Animal House,' please leave.
You folks do music we don't like. You go to shows for bands we think are absent both lyrically and in skill. For more of how much I hate everything you do, refer to everything we have ever said about Emo. But we understand you like it. If that's what you want to do, feel free, but on one condition: let us do our thing.
For any concerns or questions regarding ACRN's dealings with Horrible People, questionable leadership, terrible music, or anything else (including crack calls), you can call them at (740)593-2276. If the keyboard is more to your liking, AIM your requests for the triumphant return of 'Horrible Radio' or anything you want to talk about to AIM name 'The Lobster'. The DJ that Miller got in a scuffle with is on air from 10 'til midnight on Wednesdays. Make sure you tell them how much you appreciate his over-inflated sense of self-importance as well as his bad taste in music and comedy.
(end credits)
(ripple effect)
At the beginning of winter quarter, our heroes (we three of the H.P.) sought to begin a partnership with ACRN, an internet radio station at Ohio University. The combination, we thought, of college radio and our 'Horrible' comedy could have a wonderful effect on listenership (aka, more listeners) as well as the entertainment quality of the station. In return, the broadcasts would expand our fanbase, bringing more people to our live shows and website, where in turn we could advertise in front of our fans for the radio show, etcetera. It seemed a match made in heaven.
We were approved for the show in late January for an hour on Friday nights 7-8 p.m. and scheduled to begin February 3rd, with special guest local/recording legend Bruce Dalzell. Midway through the week, having not advertized for the show ahead of time, we elected to make fliers. One of the two designs was this one:

We put those up on the night of February 1st. By the night of February 2nd, over half of the fliers were taken down and by Friday all but a few remained. We were called in to have a meeting the Programming VP of ACRN and we were informed that not only would we be not on the air that night, but that we were immediatly terminated. This meeting took place five hours before 'Horrible Radio' was to premier. Thus ends the story of our heroes.
(fade to black)
Or is it?
Why were we fired, you might ask? The flier you see above you was cited as the cause of our termination. We were informed that the flier could cause a station that has been around for over 30 years to have its funding pulled if we were not fired promptly. The content, we were told, was the main issue. Also included in the reasoning for our dismissal was the fact that we didn't consult the Programming department in creating our fliers before putting them up. That is what we were told on February 3rd.
Our sources tell us that the story told at the meeting the following Sunday of our conspicuous disappearance was not the content of the flier, but the fact that we hung fliers without permission or consultation from the Advertising department. I'll say that again: the content was not cited as the reason for our dismissal.
Odd, right? That the reason for our being fired wasn't shared with the other DJs? Ponder that for a minute.
To bring you up to date since that time, we have pretty much stopped trying to get a radio show, on ACRN or otherwise. The VP we were cancelled by didn't like us and we won't have a show on the station as long as that person is still in the organization. The plan now is pretty much to wait 'til that person graduates and then see if we still want to do the radio show.
Instead of trying to continue our internet radio endeavors, we have elected to put our skills to other uses. Jay, Miller, and myself have all continued our stand-up and have gained much popularity in recent months. We have started the Ohio University Stand-Up Comedy Club and have recieved nothing but the best reaction from those who we are working with to make the group a success. We should be formed officially as a campus recognized group by the end of the quarter and have events starting in the fall. We are once again trying to create 'Horrible People' the television show on Athens Video Works and should we get approval from AVW this spring we will have episodes airing in the fall.
I haven't heard much from the guy making the new web site recently so I'm not sure how soon completion is, however upon completion the official 'Horrible People' web site will be the new home of not only this comedy blog (which I'm sure you all check obsessively like the away messages of a crush you have), but also a place for you to see episodes of 'Horrible People' television, watch video and listen to recorded stand-up comedy from your favorite comedians (meaning us) and other stand-up from around OU (meaning not us). In addition, it will have rare recordings of our short stint on ACRN, including our infamous 'Gambler' incident, and also photos, news, calendar of events, and much more.
As you can see, we've gotten past the loathing of our once-partners for what we think was unfair treatment. Recently, an altercation (taking place entirely within the world of an AIM box) between a DJ on duty at ACRN and Miller Time caused us to take action. The DJ initiated the conversation (and the ensuing debacle) with Miller and proceeded to insult him and 'Horrible People.' Miller, in turn, used his superior comedic talent, biting sarcasm, and brain skills (aka mind bullets) to disarm and befuddle the stunned creature of the night. Miller would have put the contents of the conversation (and the DJ's spliced innards) on this site for your enjoyment, but closed the box by accident before copying its contents.
Horrible People doesn't want to create a blood feud, nor do we wish to cut ties with all members in ACRN. Indeed, we would like to be the hosts of 'Horrible Radio' once more and don't want to create anger. We do plan, however, on gracing our former club members with our presence at the next meeting. We have a few reasons for doing this. One, and most important to me, the Programming director still has the cassettes with our remaining radio recordings (including the infamous 'Gambler' incident). Two, we feel that we were misrepresented when the powers that be told the other DJs the story of our termination and that they deserve to hear it from us. Three, we refuse to let arbitrary positions of those in charge at a radio station based on the 'rebel' metality censor us completely without retribution.
For those of you who appreciate our brand of comedy and are fans, thank you for your support. I raise my glass of Bartles and James to you, good sirs.
For those of you who think that the only kind of comedy is that which you approve of, the only kind of entertainment you can stand on the airwaves is that which you like and nothing with a difference of opinion, those of you who think that you are experts in comedy having never had any connection to the comedic community other than that one time you saw 'Animal House,' please leave.
You folks do music we don't like. You go to shows for bands we think are absent both lyrically and in skill. For more of how much I hate everything you do, refer to everything we have ever said about Emo. But we understand you like it. If that's what you want to do, feel free, but on one condition: let us do our thing.
For any concerns or questions regarding ACRN's dealings with Horrible People, questionable leadership, terrible music, or anything else (including crack calls), you can call them at (740)593-2276. If the keyboard is more to your liking, AIM your requests for the triumphant return of 'Horrible Radio' or anything you want to talk about to AIM name 'The Lobster'. The DJ that Miller got in a scuffle with is on air from 10 'til midnight on Wednesdays. Make sure you tell them how much you appreciate his over-inflated sense of self-importance as well as his bad taste in music and comedy.
(end credits)
3 Horrible Comments:
the dj meetings are at 8:30 now, not 8
Will this temper tantrum solve anything?
let's respond to this in order:
thanks for the time change info.
do i really sound like i'm having a tantrum? anyway, i don't know what's going to happen at this meeting. i can only hope that those in charge see the error of their ways and let us have our show back.
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