Monday, November 06, 2006

Reuben tells you why your Favorite Music sucks, Part IV: Fergie

Usually I like to put some time in between 'Reuben Tells' you why so-and-so sucks posts. Wait a few months to recharge the ol' batteries, you know. But after seeing her latest video, I just couldn't wait for this one. Fergie sucks.

Why, you ask? Let me count the ways:

1. Dear Christ, my ears!

You know, I used to like Fergie. No joke. I thought she had a good voice and was a nice counterbalance to the other members of the Black Eyes Peas. But now? Whenever her songs (and I use 'songs' loosely here) come on MTV it reminds me of a drunk sorority chick with whiskey voice trying to sing her songs. It's like the old B.E.P. Fergie Voice took a shit and this new voice was in the stool. Moving on.

2. How come every time I come around this goddamn song is on TV?

If you've heard this song and are now trying to avoid it at all costs you know what I mean. I have a theory 'London Bridge' is on at least one of the MTV channels at all times. I'm almost as sick of this mish-mash of crappy faux-drums and stereotypical English imagery as I am of that song by Celine Dion that they wouldn't stop playing for a year and a half.

3. Fergie-scusting

If you though 'London Bridge' was bad wait 'til you hear 'Fergielicious.' Dear Lord. And I don't just mean the auditory aspects of the new single from hell, I also mean the visuals. This video destroys everything that I hold near and dear: candy, bright shiny colors, women in skimpy outfits, gymnastics, women in skimpy girl scout uniforms, cookies, women in skimpy bikinis painted like tigers, you get the idea. I used to love all those things. Now, not so much. It's amazing how a terrible song can make you hate everything associated with it.

4. Remember when she was hot?

I know I do. I guess that's the magic of make-up and computers nowadays. Just look at these paparazzi photos:

Ugh! A face like a ventriloquist's doll, only less lifelike. Seriously, put the make-up back on and then edit that shit to make her look good again.

Ah, much better. It's almost as if she's actually hot. And talented.
